Sunday, May 31, 2009

interesting news,,20282323,00.html
Our lovely president is so sweet && keeps his promises!
During the campaign, he promised Michelle to take her to N.Y.C
To go watch a broadway show
So, they went out to eat && went to go watch the show
Then flew back to Washington
How cute!!

next year

Next year I need to work
Focusing on where I can work
&& hopefully it won't interfere with school that much
Also, I hope to be more serious when it comes to school
Esp. for my junior year!!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

summer time!

For summer I will be in Costa Rica!
I go almost every summer to visit family
As for my plans, just relax && enjoy as much as I can
Because when I get back, it's time to get a job "/
For the most important part is to eat all the yummy food!:)

Thursday, May 21, 2009

where in the world....

Where else but in Tokyo, Japan ?!?!
It's so crazy over there && like loud
I don't mean like noise loud, but that it catches your attention
I've always wanted to go there, and like I would even live there !

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

first day of freshman year

The first day had my nerves jumping
I was beyond nervous && scared
I didn't want to step foot on campus && I wanted to crawl back to bed
Even though it wasen't as bad as I thought it would be
It was bad simply because it was the first day
If there is something I would change is probably my outfit, but thats whatever :)

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

No matter how far you travel or how much you run from it, can you ever really escape your past?
Becky Hartman Edwards and Michael Patrick King, Sex and the City

I love this quote because I love Sex and the City

Second, I think about that a lot

Everyones past is a major issue, so can you really "escape" from it?

first day of school..EVER

Kindergarten was a fun && brave experience
I remember I was the only one who wasen't crying
Everyone else would hold on to their parents legs except for me
Valerie felt very brave that day
Also, it was different because while I was in kindergarten, we were living in Costa Rica
So everyone was like born there, except for me
I felt soo cool :)